Monday, March 31, 2014

Final Production - Front cover image

Final Front Cover Image 

Do you think that the front cover image would be better in normal colour or black and white?

85%  Black and white
15% Normal colour

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Evaluation- Question 2



Evaluation- Question 3


Final Production Draft

 Final Production Draft

This is a draft for my final product, after consulting with my focus group I decided to change the image and the image type so instead of a medium close up I am going to use a close up with the model looking directly at the camera to create a bond with the reader. Moreover for my contents page I am going to use one image instead of two, as my research shows that it is conventionally found on most contents pages.

Focus group questions-

Close up or medium close up for the front cover?

80%- close up
20%- Medium close up

One image or multiple on the contents page ?

70%- single image
30%- multiple images

For the front cover I also decided to change the font an layout of the text, whereas for the contents page I am going to add more text and insert the logo (L) at the back of the text.


Thursday, March 13, 2014

My magazine logo

After my research on logos I decided to create one for my magazine. I created a simple logo, easy to recognise for my young audience.
I asked my focus group which colour scheme will be more suitable according to them for my magazine.
I created this logo in publisher by using simple shapes and just the initial letter of my masthead. I tried to use a variety of combination of colours to give my focus group a greater choice option.

About 80% of my focus group preferred the white and black theme to be present in the logo too and they thought that the black and blue wouldn't go well with my cover image.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Layout + Colour scheme....

After proposing the two possible images for my front cover some members of my focus group (Lucy, tom, Louise and Robbie) noticed that the previous proposed layout and colour scheme wouldn't look homogeneous with the black and white theme.
So i decided to put forward a set of question to the my focus group to understand their view about it...


- Do you think that the blue/black/white colour scheme should still be used?

Yes 80%
No 20%

-Do you think that the banner at the top of the magazine would still look appropriate?

Yes 15%
No 85%

- Do you think the font should be changed or stay the same?

Change 70%
Stay the same 30%

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


In my research I also looked at what type of magazine used logos to make their magazine easily recognisable to the audience and I found that many magazines use very unique mastheads and fonts to make them appear different and unique however I found that Q magazine, Vibe magazine and NME use very specific logos which fit with the overall colour scheme of the rest of the magazine.

An example of this is Q magazine as it has a capital Q written in white, inside a red box. This logo is easily recognisable as it is composed by just one letter also the colour red is eye catching and creates a good contrast with the white. I decided to create a similar logo to Q magazine as it is very effective yet simple to do and also since my demographic are young teens it will be easy for them to simply identify this.

Choosing The front Cover Image......

Possible Final Front cover

Focus Group

 I wanted my front Cover image to be in black and white as my research has shown that the majority of magazines covers are in colour so I wanted to go against conventions and make mine in black and white to make it stand out from the rest and make it look unique. I also chose spontaneously to avoid the use of direct mode of address by my model to create a more mysterious effect and intrigue the reader, this is also due to my research showing that commonly covers tend to use direct mode of address to create a bond with the reader.

I asked my focus group which two pictures they preferred the most, and this is what they replied.

  • 80% preferred the first one as they felt like i gave a more artistic effect with the use of the guitar and the background, whereas the other 20% preferred the styling of my model more in comparison to the first one.

Planning - Mock up drawing

This is a basic drawing of  one of my idea for the mock up. I wanted to include an acoustic guitar to fully portray clearly the theme of the magazine.
On the front cover I wanted a medium close and on the contents page i wanted to use two smaller images (medium close ups) and for the contents page a long shot.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Magazine Influence

Front page...

My magazine influence for the front cover is going to be Clash magazine as I like the unique style and that it tries to combine both mainstream and underground genres that include fashion, film and entertainment in its subject matter which therefore reflect on the front cover.

Target audience 18-25 

Its target audience however Is more young adults whereas I would like to create a magazine with a similar style but with a younger demographic as I don't think is something conventionally found.

The main image found on Clash magazine are usually close ups of the artist face so I am going to try and do the same with my front cover. I also like the big masthead on top of the magazine wich is esily visible to the audience. The writing is minimal and in small font however due to my young emogrphic I am going to make my font bigger to allow my target audience to read it easily. They also have the name of the artist in a bigger font to make it the main emphasy of the cover. The pictures are really artistic and clearly show the 'clash' of different type of music even nieche subgroups that have a typical music and fashion style.


Contents page...

My inspiration magazine for the contents page is going to be Vibe magazine as i like the idea of having a single yet effective image on the contents page. I also like the way the title 'contents' is not placed in a liner way, but the syllables of the word are placed undrernith it. The writing is on either side of the page depending on the image and their logo is present behind the artist, fading into he background, they have used the initial of themagazine name which is 'vibe' so a v, i am going to use the initial of my magazine masthead which is an L. The text is minimal but informative , again the writing is smaller so I am going to my text smaller to allow my target audience to read it and understand it more easily. 


Double page spread....

My inspiration for the double page spread is going to be Vibe/Q magazine as i like the layout of the page, i also like the use of one main image positioned on one page and the article filling the other page. The article is devided into two collums so i am going to do the same for my double page pread.
The typical image used for their double page spread is usually a close up of the artist face, once again they have the magazine logo at the back of the article.

Pricing and Releses

I asked my focus group how often I should release the magazine and the price it should be.
When to release the magazine was between either:



-Every two weeks

-Or twice a week

The focus group excluded weekly or twice a week as it would be less interesting due to lack of articles/interviews leading to exhaustion of stories. Also this would increase consumers cost which could possibly cause a decrease in sales.
 80% of the focus group voted for monthly as this follows the conventions of Q and Clash magazine.Also the magazine will contain greater volume of stories and interviews. 

  • Once the focus group decided on when to release the magazine this then allowed me to put toward my ideas on pricing.

A £4.00
B £3.50
C £2.50
D £1.50

Only 25% chose option A as it was the most expensive and since the demographic for my magazine are young teenagers they wont have much money. However 60% voted for option C as they retained to be the most reasonable price for young teenagers , and many thought that £1.50 would not make enough profit.